Hoho. I thought someone should start somewhere. This blog is quite hambar considering the time of it's existence yang berkurun lamanya and at the time being it stood lonely without updates and posts. So I just pushed myself to give this blog a lift and I'm imagining the followers would go," WHOA. Beyond Boundaries Blog ada new post?? Gile laa.." and constantly smiling (or laughing) even up to this line, disbelieving ada orang nak update blog batch. And orang itu aku. Pelik tapi benar. Busy tapi sanggup. Okay memang tak busy pun,FINE.

Okay let's restart.

Assalamualaikum wbt dan Selamat Sejahtera saya ucapkan kepada rakan seperjuangan yang.....

... no,no,no, scratch that paragraph.

Hey guys! Since I'm the one who breaks the ice, let me just do that and that one thing only. Being said, I'm giving you guys my brainstorming list that I initially thought of writing here. Instead of using those ideas, I'm giving you guys ideas to write your hearts' out. So take your pick :)

1. Frequent question among us after school life: "Oit! Kau watpe sekarang? Pe cer? Kau kerja ke?". Right? So tell the rest of the batch how did you spend last December and January after leaving Kick-Ass Kusess. Boleh tulis in jadual form. On your routine lah. This one's more of an update on you. Tak kesah la, orang nak tau apa :)

2. There's this event or incident that only you or maybe you and a group of...others; friends/batchmates/teacher/juniors/seniors/dormmates, that you remember most or at least still lingers in your mind but not of any knowing of others. Meaning, kenangan yang korang je tau and no one else WHICH happens in school. Could be funny,devastating,frustrating or plain simple or even motiveless. But it sure made you remember. This one's more of a flashback kind. Biarlah pecah tembelang pun, sekolah dah habis :)

3. So....I'm pretty sure everyone has a line of strategy or planning for themselves in each one's future undertaking. Basic wise, AT FAR LEAST, an ambition. So you could always fascinate our batchmates and myself with your enthusiasm in explaining the steps upon reaching your goal. What should you do,what should you not and what shall you gain! I'm sure people would go,"Ohh. Mantaplah pelan hidup dia. Amiiin.." So you never know orang yang doakan tu berkat doa dia and soon your plan succeeds. When you have, you can come back to the post you published and say," This was my plan masa muda muda dulu. Success gak :)"

So there. I know, I know. Merepek meraban je semua ni tapi at least ada gak post kat blog batch kita yang sunyi ini. I know there's a lot of our batchmates yang great active bloggers. So why dont you give it go and sambut my attempt to rebirth our batchblog. Start composing :)